Happy Friday! + weekly roundup

Happy Friday!!! I am so excited to be back home and back to blogging. So much has happened during the last couple of weeks and I've been just dying to catch you up on everything. Ginny (of Sleepy Fox Photography) and I took a trip to Los Angeles, did a ton of exploring (I can't wait to share some incredibly cool spaces with you soon), wrapped up a Free People shoot on the shores of Malibu and found my wedding dress with the designers of Rue De Seine at Lovely Bride LA! There are a few exciting editorials making their way to Hazel + Scout and I have so many fun projects/trips on the books. The impending season change has brought so much inspiration to my heart and I can't wait to share what is on my mind!

In the meantime, here are a few fun links I've been squirreling away lately:

Free People's stunning Ever After bridal collection (and video)
the gorgeous mommy-on-the-go, Esther Houston, via For Love And Lemons
Once Wed shares a little Shoppe Signora magic
Kendra Smoot's beautiful family + home on Mother Mag
belated Mother's Day gorgeousness from Free People
& deep breaths with The Fresh Exchange

shop Free People's bridal collection

p.s. Did you catch our engagement photos on Green Wedding Shoes? I'm so excited I could burst!