The Secret to Endless Summer Hair


With a brief stint as a bottle blonde and some serious sun + salt damage, my hair has been through a lot this year. I recently made the switch back to my natural color and I'm taking much better care of these locks lately.

Learning to love my hair has been a roller coaster ride and at almost twenty-seven, I still haven't figured it all out. I have what I think it a pretty strange texture (I went from seriously curly before the big hormonal shift that is motherhood to stick straight when clean but wavy after getting caught in the rain) and not a lot of patience for styling. Earlier this year I bleached myself to hell and back for some pretty rose gold strands but ultimately jumped ship when I stopped recognizing myself whenever I'd pass a mirror. Add in a penchant for products that look pretty on my beauty shelf and you've got yourself a picky costumer. As a self-proclaimed hair minimalist (I very rarely use heat tools, have never actually met a brush I like and strive to do as little to my hair as humanly possible), I've been struggling to find a good routine.


Enter: Playa, the range of California-crafted products that are equal parts unfussy (making them perfect for my low maintenance ways) and effective. I've been loving the range lately and thought it might be time to introduce you to what's quickly becoming my holy grail of texturizing salt spray. Playa is made with love in a beachfront space in Venice (oh how I miss California!) by Shelby Wild, a former fashion stylist that embodies California cool to a T and Kristen Shaw. It's a "one and done" solution to all my hair care woes, smells like coconut, sea salt and all of those Beach Boys lyrics that have somehow permanently ingrained themselves into my subconscious and the Endless Summer Spray is single-handedly responsible for getting me through an every-third-day hair washing schedule. 




disclaimer: While products were graciously sent to me by Playa, I was not asked to share or review them. As always, thank you for supporting the brands that make Hazel + Scout possible.

BeautyChelsea Jackson