Moving Forward...


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I've been thinking about this post for a while now, and bear with me if it's a on the longer side of the spectrum, but I'm a little unsure where blogging is going. Not Chelsea & The City exactly (I have a pretty clear vision for this space) but blogging, the verb. I'll explain:

For a long time, things have been all about what's pretty and what's on our wishlists. Don't worry, those posts aren't going anywhere but there is a time for wardrobe-lusting and a time for connecting as a community + discussing things frankly and introspectively. While I love a good favorite's roundup, there are things boiling up behind the scenes that need to be brought to the table. Although I've made it a point to always share genuinely on this site, I'm guilty of falling into the trap of filtering out the not-so-pretty aspects of life. Stressed out about the trajectory of your career? Share an outfit. Worried about making it all happen as a mother? Time for a few weekly links. You get the picture.

Lately I've seen a few of my favorites reconsider what it means to pen a lifestyle blog (Kate from Wit + Delight said it best, "After all, lifestyle is- by definition- the way in which one chooses to live their life.") and branch out to include poignant topics and I'm hoping this is where we have decided blogging is headed. What can you expect from me? You can still plan to see all of the usual posts with a little bit of real life sprinkled in here and there. As I approach twenty-four and continue to build and nurture a family, I am met with questions and revelations about the pressures of raising a little girl, knowing who you are as a person, maintaining an intimate relationship... If these things aren't part of a beautiful life I'm not sure I want one.

Now here's where you come in, I've made promises like this before and I usually fall back into old routines because, honestly, sharing the newest J.Crew collection is just a little easier than sitting down and really thinking about things that are truly affecting you and I right now. I know you want a destination for shopping, design and crafting but I know that you're also craving something with a little more... substance. Moving forward I'll be sharing a few more wordy posts and possibly some Q+A type videos. I want you to feel free (and inclined) to come to me with topics worth discussing and questions (about anything, even those pretty/fun subjects).

So, are you ready for a little more soul in this corner of the web?

LifestyleChelsea Jackson